How we compare

Wondering how Promana's assessments stack up against other providers?

Discover how our innovative approach offers unique and practical advantages for personal growth and professional development.

See why we stand out, and how we empower you to take control of your growth journey.

Read on to explore the Promana advantage!

Wonder no more!

Promana assessments compared to HBDI

  • Focusing on observable actions rather than cognition, Promana explores what people actually do, and reports in a non-judgmental way on their behavioural preferences.
  • The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) uses a four-quadrant survey to analyse people's thinking preferences, requiring more intrusive analysis of cognitive and emotional factors.
  • Our position: We believe that focusing on observable actions offers a more accurate and practical understanding of behaviour. By avoiding cognitive and emotional judgments, Promana provides clear, actionable insights that are directly applicable to real-world situations, ensuring a more grounded approach to personal development.
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It isn’t what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.

— Jane Austen

Whenever you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right.

— Rhonda Byrne

Promana assessments compared to CliftonStrengths

Sample report
Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.

— Isaac Asimov

We need to realise that our path to transformation is through our mistakes. We’re meant to make mistakes, recognise them, and move on to become unlimited.

— Yehuda Berg

  • Focusing on observable actions that are known to affect personal success, growth and development, Promana offers insight into 144 individual behaviours, in 12 distinct domains of human endeavour, to create a well-rounded model of performance behaviours.
  • With an emphasis on identifying natural talents drawn from 34 talent themes, CliftonStrengths focuses on strength. While weaknesses may be ignored, they are still implied, which fosters the notion that the assessments make a judgment about good and bad elements.
  • Our position: Promana's approach provides a more balanced and holistic view of personal development. By examining a wider range of behaviours and avoiding implicit judgments, our assessments empower individuals to understand their full spectrum of capabilities and areas for growth, promoting a more positive and comprehensive development journey.

Promana assessments compared to DiSC

  • Created by industrial relations and organisational behaviour experts, Promana avoids making jugdments based on fixed notions of personality, instead offering dynamic insights into factors affecting success in real-world situations.
  • Published in the early 20th century by the creator of the Wonder Woman comics, the DiSC system is part behaviour-based and part personality assessment. It places people into four categories: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness.
  • Our position: Promana's modern, scientifically grounded approach provides dynamic and context-specific insights, making it more relevant and adaptable. By focusing on situational behaviours rather than static personality traits, we offer a more flexible and practical tool for personal and professional growth.
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To transform yourself, you don’t need to do big things. Just do small things in a big way. Transformation will follow you.

— Rahul Sinha

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

— Socrates

Promana assessments compared to Myers Briggs' MBTI

Sample report
I cant change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

— Jimmy Dean

How wonderful is it that nobody need to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

— Anne Frank

  • Constructed in the 1970s by experts, and employing current scientific methodological approaches like pairwise comparison, Promana avoids personality judgements and connotations of good or bad, by focusing on what people really do in 12 separate behavioural categories.
  • MBTI is a pseudoscientific personality quiz created during WWII by two fans of the psychologist Carl Jung. Dividing humankind into just 16 categories, it was the mistaken belief of its creators that their analysis of personalities would help match jobs to people.
  • Our position: Promana leverages robust scientific methods to provide nuanced and objective insights. By avoiding the simplistic categorisation of individuals, we respect the complexity of human behaviour, offering a more accurate and empowering tool for personal development and career alignment.

Our assessments

Promana offers 12 assessments that depict 144 behavioural preferences across critical areas that influence success for individuals and teams.

Activity Interests

Discover your most relevant career-aligned preferences

Time Actions

Take a journey through your unique relationship with time


Understand what triggers you into taking affirmative action


Get to the heart of how you make and share decisions

Action Style

Reveal hidden patterns that affect your personal success


See the true sources of your stress, and how you react

Team Roles

Learn the valuable parts you play in groups and teams

Action Process

Explore your true relationship to effective action plans

Team Focus

Shine a light on the fantastic value you bring to your team

Team Building

Delve into your team-building behaviours and patterns

Levelling Up

Gain perspective on your approach to personal growth

Leading Edges

Tap into your leadership patterns and paradigms