How we choose our own behaviour
From time to time, we notice someone’s specific behaviours. We might reflect on their technique or mannerism and wonder if that could strengthen and extend our own repertoire. We might practise and try a new or different approach, at least in our minds, before deciding whether to adopt it or not.
At particular points in our lives we are more malleable and adaptable than at others. Age, personal outlook, readiness and ability to change one’s perceptions and to choose alternatives, are important factors. So are situational pressures, which may demand behavioural change while also limiting options.
Leaders who model achievement and success automatically encourage the team to follow their example. Ineffective leaders foster ineffective followers. Managers, trainers, mentors and other influential people need to recognise how well they mould and enhance others’ performance.
Behaviour Modelling differs from Behaviour Modification. The first is an entirely open approach with no undisclosed agenda, methods or initiatives. The second may be implemented with no disclosure and no participative dialogue.
As an example of Behaviour Modification: rearranging a workplace layout could be announced, plausibly, as necessary for work flow or economic use of space. But the unstated reason might be to modify individual and team attitudes and behaviour by inducing changed responses to signals and triggers.
Creating a behavioural model
Suppose you decide to strengthen a sales team or some other group. The sales force is a practical choice as ‘personal effectiveness’ is quantifiable and so is the result of this review.
Start from what you already know about the team. Least all the sales people in order of sales, from highest value down to lowest. Note any constraints that work against any particular sales person, and adjust your list to allow for the handicap.
Use the standard battery of eight surveys, profile each person and ask them to comment on their own draft report. Create a collective profile by combining all personal scores to show the Low-Median-High range for each factor.
The graphic profile show the discrepancies between ‘most’ and ‘least’ effective. You will see the contrasting behaviours, factor by factor. Ask the sales team, in a group session, to comment on the collective profile. Individual profile graphs are not shared.
You are now able to decide whether to ‘retain, retrain or remove’. You’ll know what approach will be best suited to each person and the desired outcome. The team leader will b well informed on what modelling is needed in each separate case; and the team leader will be able to improve their own performance in relation to each sales person.