Jennifer Gaudette

Career Coach

Based in Canada

I support mid-career professionals who are experiencing career-related health challenges to clarify their options, rebuild or refresh their livelihood, and redefine their relationship with work.

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Jennifer Gaudette

Career Coach

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Jenn Gaudette is a Certified Career Coach and Health Coach and the founder of Upspring Wellness and Worksapien. She works at the intersection of career and health, and is specialized in finding and/or creating work and ways of working, that are aligned to the values, vision and strengths of her mid-career clients.

She leverages 20+ years of combined experience in career transition, workplace wellness, fitness, human resources and environmental behaviour change to offer a unique approach to personal and professional coaching and mentorship. Having made many transitions herself, Jenn's approach is informed by her personal career leaps in various industries. She is a self-described multi-potentialite and multi-bloomer.

She is motivated by her mission to “make work healthier” by helping clients realize their potential, find a sense of purpose, articulate a vision for their career, develop skills and take bold action.

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