Anjana Singh

Certified Life Coach

Based in India

Certified Life Coach, CBT-EFT,Belief Clearing Coach/Wellness Coach, Diploma in Modern Applied Psychology, Mindfulness Practitioner Diploma level I, II, III and Masters from Modern Applied Science.

Focus areas
Health/wellness Mindfulness

Anjana Singh

Certified Life Coach

A Self Help Counsellor, Master Trainer and a Certified Life Coach, she specializes in teaching people about Power of mind, how to remove Limiting Beliefs, Self Actualization Methods. She is also an active member of Ekhart Tolle's Community and helps people in practising the "Power of Presence" and how to stay focused during challenging times.

Her Core competence is Life Skills and Personal Development. She is a transformational coach who strongly believe that "We are a sum total of our Choices." Every choice that we had decided on doing greatly impact our lives either way in good or bad. It helps shapes us to identify who we are to ourselves and to other people.